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Real Physics and Cosmology

Josef Tsau (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3851-8 ©2007
Price: $15.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 126 pages
Category/Subject: SCIENCE / Physics

Upon finding aether the book offers a simple consistent coherent scientific understanding of the nature and hopefully will end the era of religious beliefs and mathematical fantasies and bring the world back to real science.

Physics of mechanics is the only real physics repeatedly proven correct over the past three-plus centuries. It teaches that matters having masses and relative motions produce all phenomena and predicted the presence of matters (aether) to produce all universal phenomena. Changing from long-time failure in finding aether to denying aether concept has led the scientific community to develop and accept religion-like no-aether theories including modern physics and modern cosmology. We have been in an era of religious pseudo-science for a century already.

Finding aether disproves all no-aether theories, offers a broad-range understanding of all universal phenomena and the universe. Hopefully, the book will bring the world back to real science.

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Customer Reviews

  Crappy book from a crackpot , 08/14/2007
Reviewer: Luca
This book is a diservice to science, basing everything in the crackpot belief that aether exists. It's been more than a century since rigorous tests disprove the hypothesis of an aether. I find it unfortunately that some (very very few) people like the author still believes in it. I'd place this book together with others claiming the universe has about 6000 years.

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  answer to LuCA's Comment , 08/27/2007
Reviewer: Josef Tsau
It is the breakthrough discovery of aether and its science supported by experimental findings and observations generated over the past three centuries not beliefs. LUCA, please make you comment after reading the book and come back to real science.

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