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Lake With an Island Mystery

C. B. Crosby (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3869-0 ©2007
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 209 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Mystery & Detective / General

Jim Wilson wants huge property, to erect facilities taking care city kids. Vacant Willis Ranch suitable; government believes illegal activity at ranch. Jim must learn what type activity.

The Lake With An Island Mystery: Jim Wilson a multi-millionaire’s computer software company is for sale. Hutchinson, his realtor explains details of Willis Ranch for sale. Since Jim wants extensive buildings to support caring of young children, Willis Ranch might be ideal. “The government believes there’s illegal activity at the vacant ranch. They’ll give you another name to investigate property and island.” The new name of Jules Mathews arrives at ranch. Two artificial tree stumps found on island. Jules boats across Pigeon Lake to Backward Village for supplies; meets Carol Thomas, school teacher, pretty single mother of Mitch.

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