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Diary of a Wannabe Gardener

Dorothy Guyton (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4154-3 ©2007
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 76 pages
Category/Subject: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness

Have you ever thought about the various ways that people judge one another and how a person may see others in their own mind?

Have you ever thought about the various ways that people judge one another and how a person may see others in their own mind? Could there be someone somewhere trying to decide whether you are a beautiful gracious rose or a defensive prickly pear? That is exactly how Samantha Black judges people.

Samantha, a stay at home mom, is at war with the weeds in her flower garden. She has suffered yearly defeats, but knows that this is the year of her victory.

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Customer Reviews

  Colorful, defining language , 08/21/2007
Reviewer: Katherine Carr Esters
Dorothy Guyton, Graduate student, author, public speaker, wife and mother, wrote "Diary of a Wannabe Gardener" in easy to read, yet colorful and defining language. Dorothy demonstrates a wealth of knowledge about flowers, but also life. Read and learn. You will be glad you did.

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  Colorful, defining language , 08/21/2007
Reviewer: Katherine Carr Esters
Dorothy Guyton, Graduate student, author, public speaker, wife and mother, wrote "Diary of a Wannabe Gardener" in easy to read, yet colorful and defining language. Dorothy demonstrates a wealth of knowledge about flowers, but also life. Read and learn. You will be glad you did.

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  Only the Best!! , 08/24/2007
Reviewer: Ray Sue
I'm very proud of this book. It's funny and it has an awesome main character. She does certain things to get what she wants, which I like. A very interesting book!

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