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The Auntie Lists

Vin Doctor (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4183-7 ©2007
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 101 pages
Category/Subject: HUMOR / Topic / Adult

A new brand of outrageous comedy from a new type of comedy writer! Bizarre, crazy, but always direct! Better than sex or potato chips, you can't eat just one! The Auntie lists!!!

The mere name conjures up a new breed of everything. Since the dawn of time, man has awaited their arrival. They’ve watched, and hoped, and prayed to their imaginary gods. But no longer. No more. The prayers have been answered. Get up off your knees, or stay on them, if that’s your thing. The waiting is over, and the moment is now, so ready yourself, and prepare, for the hour is at hand. Look for them, seek them out, and claim them as your own, for they are mighty, they are truth, they are....

....The Auntie lists.

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