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The Power to Change

James M. Lamb (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4324-4 ©2007
Price: $18.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 258 pages
Category/Subject: SELF-HELP / Substance Abuse & Addictions / General

Do you want to change? Are you ready to change? The information contained in this book is capable of showing you the way to complete, continued and long lasting recovery.

Alarm!! Methamphetamine abuse linked to cardiovascular disease. Amphetamine and cocaine increase risk of stroke. Ecstasy can harm the brain. Cannabis-related schizophrenia set to rise. Alcohol worse than ecstasy!

There are numerous teachers, videos and CD’s talking about the negative affects of alcohol and other drug usage. Relapse and the discussion of the addicted criminal lifestyles receive a great deal of attention in the print and video media.

The Power to Change is written with the perspective of what focus is important to the addict in recovery. The focus is on inspiration and the unlimited possibilities open through the recovery process.

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Customer Reviews

  On the Lamb , 09/02/2008
Reviewer: Kipp Brown
I have had the privilege of hearing, and getting to personally know, James Lamb, and this book is a tetiment to all that he stands for and more. If there is a question in your mind about where to start, look no further! This is the Book! And this is your chance to finally find the power to change. Good Luck!

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