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Nightmare Worlds

William S. Frankl, M.D. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4400-3 ©2008
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 194 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Nightmares during sleep are terrifying dreams of helplessness, extreme anxiety, or sorrow. But nightmares can occur while awake, manifested as an ordeal, a horror, a calamity, or a trial.

Some of the waking nightmares in this collection happen in the present, others on strange worlds, or on Earth centuries from now, or in realms deep within unseen dimensions where men and women battle forces beyond their control and understanding. In these stories, present-day scientific facts are extrapolated into alternate realities where the laws of time and space are bent, opening the door to any possibility.

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Customer Reviews

  Nightmare Worlds , 03/27/2008
Reviewer: Harris Cohen
“The Intrepid was showered with antimatter as the ship broke its orbit around Neptune and sped back toward Earth. As it passed the moons of Uranus, the cabin temperature rose as layers of the hull peeled back and crew members began to bloat” Dr. Fankl kept me off balance in “Nightmare Worlds” as I tried and failed to get ahead of this tale as I peeled away each page hoping it would not end, but it did and not the way I wanted it to. Nightmares seldom do. Harris Cohen Author of Rat Tales

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