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Not As Man Sees

Jim Counts (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4645-6 ©2008
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 234 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

In Rusty Cars and Fallen Stars, Coy Newhouser was George Butler’s ally in reuniting a troubled teenager with her alcoholic father. Now, it’s Coy who needs help in dealing with lost love and loneliness.

Not As Man Sees is the sequel to the novel, Rusty Cars and Fallen Stars. In that book, George Butler’s tutoring job led him on a mission to reunite his student, Lacy Richman, with her father, Gary, who worked and lived at Newhouser’s Salvage and Pre-Owned Automobile business in rural Virginia. As in the prequel, Butler now finds himself caught up in an equally-daunting challenge, and again, Newhouser’s garage is the stage for conflicts dealing with friendship, romance, and spirituality.

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Customer Reviews

  A welcome surprise , 06/25/2011
Reviewer: Melba Gobble Worley
I was so happy to have been able to read a sequel to the first book by this author, for it shed more light on the characters first introduced to us there. I could personally go on reading about them forever, but I know that may be feasible for the author. I am so glad that I knew Jim Counts as my former teacher, because it is just like listening to him talk in class when reading his books. I see him as a gifted and talented educator, and I also think of him as a most inspiring author. He has so much to say, and says it with clarity and discernment. I believe that anyone reading his books could garner much knowledge from them, and I believe that the life lessons contained within are a wonderful bonus added to the enjoyment of the story.

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