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Identical: Book 2

R. W. Alexander (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4670-7 ©2008
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 174 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Romance / Suspense

Donald and Robin have the telekinese ability to mentally move objects. They keep it secret and hunt the terrorists intending to kill millions by destroying Hoover Dam with nuclear bombs.

Donald and Robin must find the terrorists in Las Vegas that smuggled in nuclear bombs to blow up Hoover Dam; millions would die. Donald never told he can mentally move objects. He had earned money helping a retired gangster who believed Robin was an Alien using magic. Donald was shot, about to drown when super-attractive Robin rescues him. They fall in love, discover they have the same telekinese ability and marry. Robin had secretly solved a crime for the government without revealing her ability. To keep her working for the secret service they hire Donald to work with Robin.

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