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Photo Finish

Dan Wesolowski (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4785-1 ©2008
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 204 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Mystery & Detective / General

When a mother discovers provocative photographs of her college age daughter, Drake Simo investigates and clashes with a deranged skin merchant.

An earthquake jars Drake and girlfriend Janelle Wane awake and unleashes events that bring Drake face to face with a grudge-bearing psychopath.

Tara Tucker, a former girlfriend Drake has not seen in years, calls the following morning. She has discovered pornographic pictures of her eighteen year-old daughter, Stacy, and now wants Drake to find out the where and why behind these pictures. Tara, divorced from a Desert Storm veteran, wishes to resolve the case without involving her unstable ex-husband.

Meanwhile, the person responsible for Stacy’s pornographic photos breaks into Drake’s apartment, kidnaps Janelle, and lures Drake to a final confrontation.

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