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Breaking the Sound Barrier: One Man's Journey From Sound to Silence

Edgar M. Turner (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4989-7 ©2008
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 68 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs

An autobiography of a hearing child that became deaf at an early age detailing how he managed to overcome the obstacles of deafness in order to lead a normal life.

Shortly before my 7th birthday, I gradually began losing my hearing. This had been expected, according to the doctors. Because the treatment of meningitis in 1950 was new and not as effective as it is now, possible effects of the disease included loss of my hearing, loss of my sight, loss of both, or even death. My mother was with me during this period when my hearing began to fade, and she told me later how she saw the first signs of my deafness when I was sleeping later in the mornings, and did not respond to verbal commands.

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