Beyond My Father's Farm
Book Size:
5.5'' x 8.5''
, 181 pages
Life on our family farm was ruled by my hard-driving father. Moving on, I found happiness, but the past left scars. Then, an unexpected discovery allowed me to understand—and forgive.
Life on a farm in the 1940s meant hard work, and for the Zellers, it also meant turmoil, as my father’s cold, harsh rule had a profound effect on my brother, my sister and me. Then our wonderful mother fell victim to a mysterious illness. Years later, happily married and living a new life, I made surprising discoveries that revealed answers about my mother’s tragedy and my father’s obsession for his farm. This true story encompasses love, hate, happiness, sorrow, romance, humor and hope. It is about families, understanding the past – and learning to forgive.
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Customer Reviews
Great book
John K Probst
Dear Sirs,
I have read George Zellers book, BEYOND MY FATHERS FARM and found it to be an exciting, energetic, and interesting biographical read. The author fully explains in very explicit terms just what it was like living his childhood with a tryrannical father, and a mother who had mysterious mental problems. Upon further reading, the reader's heart goes out to a man, who surpassed, and personally moved beyond the trials and tribulations of his childhood experiences to be what help he could to his mother, and at the same time, deal with an ruthless unrelenting father. With the realization of maturity, the author is able to look to his past and offer personal forgiveness toward his father, and gratitude for God's blessing on him and his wife.
I highly recommend this book to all ages, and congradulate the author for contributing such a well written, and honest portrayal of his past.
John K. Probst
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My thoughts on "Beyond My Father's Farm"
Robert F. Wambach Sr.
Although I am a little older than George Zeller, I can relate to many of the life experiences he writes about. Life for my family of six was very difficult during the great depression and well into the years of World War 2. I, too, suffered from asthma as a child, then again later in life. I, too, lived near Rochester, New York, so I can also relate to the places he mentions, especially the Charlotte area on Lake Ontario. George became a family researcher; I have been interested in genealogy for over fifteen years now and still going strong! George "lucked out" and married a wonderful woman. So did I and my wife and I recently celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary. A wonderful (but so often sad) story; my purchase of his book was money well spent and I would heartily recommend it to anyone.
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A moving family history
George Zeller's Beyond My Father's Farm gets a grip on the reader and simply won't let go. It is an intensely personal family story that most, if not all, of us can in some way relate and identify. In telling his family story, George reveals the most personal of information but does so with grace, tact and style. He describes his family's struggles, failures and successes; internal cruelties and injustices, as well as instances of happiness and sadness. Were it to end there it would amount to an average story of any number of families. But, it does not. George's book tells the story of his mother's struggle with a seemingly unidentifiable demon that literally destroyed and ended her life. It is heart wrenching as George describes his mother's horrible struggle and its affect on the rest of the family. It is unbelievably sad when the cause of the ordeal was revealed. His book is also uplifting as George tells of his own childhood struggles with family cruelties and his ultimate survival and success in both his personal and professional life. In the end it is also instructive as George shares his love of his wife Katie, and his insights into the art of learning to understand, and perhaps most importantly, forgiving.
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