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Eye of the Storm 2020

Jan Douglas Bish (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5437-8 ©2009
Price: $16.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 283 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Action & Adventure

“I hear voices. They breathe words voicelessly into my head as though they were revealing secrets, without sound. It is as though they want to conspire with me on many different levels and dimensions.”

“I hear voices. They breathe words voicelessly into my head as though they were revealing secrets, without sound. It is as though they want to conspire with me on many different levels and dimensions.”

“Who are ‘THEY’?”

“They? . . . The Whisperers!” Abdul answered, as he searched the area around them with his eyes, his head darting back and forth. “They have compelling secrets to share with me about life and death. Life before life and death after death. They follow me everywhere, even when I sleep. They hint of things to come and things past.”

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