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Real Principals Have No Class

Delene L. Sholes (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5461-0 ©2009
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 190 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, this novel is always engaging. It is based on the true story of a school principal and the challenges she faces in the midst of community upheaval.

“… a captivating book… the inside story of a time-worn little school and the new principal who gets caught up in a mission to keep the old school alive and growing, with its special flavor and charm. DeLene Sholes’ story is based on reality, with the hardships and the humor, the youngsters and their parents—who range from appreciative and helpful to arrogant and destructive—and the camaraderie of a staff struggling against tough odds. Readers will get acquainted with a delightful setting, a small coastal village feeling the pangs of sudden growth, and be warmed by the vigor, the conflict, the nostalgia and personalities that the author has brought to life.”
Emily Carmain, editor and writer

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