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Incidents from the Church Office: 52 Meditations for Support Staff

Linda Gillis (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5673-7 ©2009
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 116 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / Meditations

Incidents from the Church Office, a short book packed with stories from the author’s experiences serving the church. The one-a-week meditations will inspire the reader—alone or with other staff members!

Incidents from the Church Office—52 Meditations for Support Staff and Volunteers—a book never before published—is for those called to work behind the scenes in the church. The author uses compassion and humor to share from her experiences serving in the church office and other faith-based organizations. The weekly meditations teach, without preaching, give insight to the reader that situations in their church office may not be unique, and turn challenges in to blessings. Each meditation begins with scripture, ends in prayer, and invites the reader to journal prayers, thoughts and stories on the following page.

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