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Nothing But a Man

Jay Thomas Willis (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5846-2 ©2010
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 151 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs

This memoir describes some of the author’s obstacles, trials, and tribulations as he grew from boyhood into manhood. It is succinct, down to earth, refreshing, masterfully crafted, and delightful to read.

This is an analysis of the author’s development from a boy into a man. It takes a look at why our ancestors were the way they were. How their conditions were passed on to subsequent generations. It also takes a look at his parents and their history. It then describes his development from early life to his latter adult years. It cleverly tells us all things about our history that we should inculcate. This memoir helps us to better understand that we must learn from our past. It is also a candid and frank portrayal of the author’s ascent into manhood.

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