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Implications for Effective Psychotherapy with African Americans

Jay Thomas Willis (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5860-8 ©2010
Price: $15.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 279 pages
Category/Subject: SELF-HELP / General

This book puts forth dynamic implications for doing psychotherapy with African Americans. If you work with African Americans you will find this book an oasis in a hot-dry desert.

This book is bombarded with original ideas for doing psychotherapy with African Americans. It explores pre-slavery, slavery, and post-slavery experiences; while relating how this has impacted the Black family; and how this will influence African Americans in therapy. It presents several models for specific types of psychotherapy. It also examines internal dynamics, how to relate to the individual and family in psychotherapy, and takes a look at the future of African American families. The book suggests the Black family has unique qualities, based upon its pasts, making it necessary to utilize a different therapeutic approach.

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