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Life Inside Out

Jacqueline D. Colvin (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5927-2 ©2010
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 66 pages
Category/Subject: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth

Life Inside Out has been fabricated into a collection of 29 beautiful heart-felt stories. Each message has a unique deliverance experience; on how to triumph over pain, addictions and many other afflictions.

Life Inside Out was birthed out of the wilderness of life. The gross darkness of pain, shame, rejection, and disappointment has been recited into twenty-nine amazing inspirational victory stories. Your deliverance awaits you! Each story has a unique message uncovering the way to triumph over adversity, while incorporating the process for redemption. A person who has encountered any type of addiction, has been labeled a failure, has been rejected, falsely accused, abused, or just lived a life not pleasing to God; this book is for you. The victory is in the message. A light has come in the form of a book entitled Life Inside Out, to awaken the darkness that dwells within you.

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Customer Reviews

  Life Inside Out , 08/05/2010
Reviewer: Jacqueline
I am the author, I believe in this book that I have written out of everyday life experiences. The stories in this book has already won the battles that we face each and everyday, but only with God's help can it be done. I encourage you to read this book, you will feel the power coming from these heart-felt stories. We can live again.

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