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DNA to Africa: The Search Continues

Aaron L. Day (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5944-2 ©2011
Price: $19.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 253 pages

This book highlights the latest technology used in locating ancestors—the DNA and Genealogical connection. It also encourages readers to research, document and preserve family histories, for future generations.

If there is a hero to this story I would say that it would have to be my great-great grandfather, Scott Day. Without the documents and records found for him, it would have been almost impossible to trace the Day family back to 1692, and beyond. It was as if I was guided by him back through seven decades of American History, as I learned about his life and times. Scott was almost sixty five years old when the Civil War ended in 1865. Unlike many Blacks of the time, Scott had been a free-man all of his life.

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