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Xianne: A Comedy of Cultures: Volume One

Jayce Grayson (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6472-1 ©2011
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 220 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

In the 24th Century...Jane Austen, Robert A. Heinlein, Sophia Loren, and the Texas/Arkansas 1969 Shootout...all have one thing in common: Captain Tom Duncan's interplanetary freighter, XIANNE....

At ARTHUR C. CLARKE station, four 24th century youths—Jim Street, Keira Bond, Suki Takeda, and Saxon Caine—join the System's most famous ship, the luxury yacht/freighter XIANNE. There they encounter the mysterious, highly-eccentric, Captain Tom Duncan; his lovely CMO, Dr. Sharon Miles; and Chief Engineer Moses Jones. They escape an Earth burdened beneath heavy-handed laws, injustice, and fear; yet, liberated by abundant power—thanks to Helium-3 Fusion Reactors—and the Porn Culture's near-eradication of the sexual taboo. The time of their lives...will change their lives their journey begins aboard XIANNE....

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Customer Reviews

Reviewer: Melissa Warren
This seems like a blend of RAH's juveniles--like "The Rolling Stones"--and his later novels--like "Time Enough For Love". A lot of credit is given to the reader's intelligence too--no one is naive anymore! I loved the characters, and laughed out loud several times. There are surprises throughout for knowledgeable Heinlein fans, but they aren't necessary to the enjoyment of the story. The only thing I DIDN"T like--and I HATED it--is that this is only Volume One! What IS it with writers today?!

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Reviewer: Terry Langford
How will the PORN CULTURE affect the institution of marriage as the decades of exposure to internet porn continue to roll by? As a NEW MORALITY becomes the norm--THE MAINSTREAM? JAYCE GRAYSON's new sci-fi novel, XIANNE: A COMEDY OF CULTURES: VOLUME ONE, delves into this very subject in a surprising and unorthodox way. Killing several birds with one stone, (the book gives nods all around--honoring Robert A. Heinlein, Jane Austen, Sophia Loren, astronauts Sunny Williams, Tracy Caldwell and Karen Nyberg, and even the 1969 Texas Longhorns!), the main thrust of the plot centers around the premise that in a society immersed in a glut of nearly unrestrained sexuality, a new type of orientation developes--a NAY community (derived from marking "N/A" when indicating sexual orientation on the "ASK/TELL"). A community which does not desire sex...but which is still influenced by the culture in which they exist! Since it seems to also be a satire of society today, you will no doubt recognize the seemingly-contradictory reasoning of characters when it comes to relationships, sex, nudity, and love. Funny AND relevant. ENJOY!

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  I LIKE XIANNE OK , 06/04/2011
Reviewer: B. Thomas
Really good characters, and an interesting premise. Obviously, it feels unfinished with it being a 1st volume, but I'm interested in picking up the next one. And there isn't as much about Heinlein in it as I thought, unless it was so subtle that I didn't get it---I've only read a few of his books, but I liked them. I recommend Xianne if you like a lot of character interaction in your sci-fi.

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  Not at all what I expected , 10/01/2011
Reviewer: Sam David Taylor
I'm a Heinlein fan, and when I came across a reference to this book, I was immediately interested. Then, I searched for it and discovered that it was a self-published novel, whereupon my enthusiasm waned just as quickly. After all, we all know that self-published books are automatically trash, right? Still, I liked the general synopsis and decided to risk another bad reading experience from a "vanity" author. And I am very pleased that I did. XIANNE is not at all what I was expecting. While it IS a tribute, of sorts, to sci-fi legend Robert A. Heinlein, it is also much, much more than that--containing within its meager 200-page length a vast array of interesting situations and discussions that I truly feel will entertain a wide variety readers. This isn't just a science-fiction story. Yes, it's setting is the future, but the focus is very much on TODAY. If it were up to me, I, personally, would classify it under "Social Commentary". Jayce Grayson is pointing a finger directly at our current times. And while very nearly poking our eyes out with that finger, he does it so smoothly that if we aren't paying attention, we may not even notice. Comedy and Romance play a very important role in the novel, but in one of the most unique and interesting ways that I've ever read. I believe that Mr. Grayson deliberately avoided giving away any of his surprises--of which, there are many--instead, the back cover presents a very general idea of what's inside, providing little indication of what's REALLY on the author's mind. As I said, there seems to be something for everyone in XIANNE. Grayson obviously knows his Heinlein. I was grinning through most of the book--when I wasn't laughing outright--very pleased to find that the Grand Master of Science-Fiction himself, through his works, is actually used as a plot device! But, in addition, there are so many subtle "references" to those works, that I gave up counting them, and actually began to wonder if Mr. Grayson even intended them in every case. For instance, when he writes that one characters, during an EVA, plays out the umbilical which connects him to the ship and then dangles for a moment on his "life-line" he actually paying tribute to Heinlein's first sale, the short story LIFE-LINE? And there are so many other of these incidences which fit perfectly into the text--without a clashing of cymbals to announce their presence--that I'm sure I didn't catch them all the first time through. I'm confident that fans of Jane Austen will be just as pleased as I was. And Sophia Loren fans. And football fans. And music fans. And movie fans. Meanwhile, a story is being told--in a recognizably Heinlein-esque way--that doesn't depend on the above-mentioned "bonuses". In fact, my wife devoured the book in about two days, and loved it. She only knows that Robert A. Heinlein is one of my favorite writers--she didn't get ANY of the subtle references to his work that I feel is in there. However, she loved XIANNE. The story is controversial, funny, intriguing, and will probably even prove to be true one day! But sooner than Grayson imagines...I DO agree with some other reviewers that it seems too short, but I attribute that to how much I enjoyed it and how quickly I read it--I cannot wait for its continuation in volume two!

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Reviewer: kasey
(posted on on May 8, 2011) Well, if you're wondering where the Internet is going to take us, take a peek 300 years into the future with Volume One of Jayce Grayson's XIANNE: A COMEDY OF CULTURES. There's something for nearly everybody in its pages, particularly if you're a fan of The Grand Master, ROBERT A. HEINLEIN. There are many surprises that are not even hinted at in the book's blurb or synopsis, so I'll try not to give them away--just get ready to grin a lot! Also Grayson explores some controversial areas as he satirizes our culture of today; be prepared to discover him inside your head, revealing what you REALLY think... Very entertaining. Think "THE ROLLING STONES" meets "TIME ENOUGH FOR LOVE"...or "SPACE CADET" meets "THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST"...or--What the heck--Think "XIANNE: A COMEDY OF CULTURES: VOLUME ONE"!

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  "Xianne" is OK, BUT not really Sci-fi , 05/02/2012
Reviewer: L. Jenkins
(posted on on May 22, 2011) I'm giving this book 3 stars even though I'm not really sure it deserves that many. For one thing I'm a huge sci-fi fan, but not really a Robert Heinlein fan. The things of his that I've read seem too preachy, and I've heard other people say that too. But the synopses got me interested because I do like sci-fi, but I don't think this is really sci-fi. It takes place in the future, but NOTHING REALLY HAPPENS. I know it is only the first part of a series, but something needs to happen I think besides talking. The people in the story do seem very interesting, but it was really like watching an indie film for 200 pages. It could take place in a college dorm or my apartment bldg! There is some funny stuff sometimes, and I want to know more about the characters, but I also want to see some action in the next one. The people in the story is the only reason I'm giving it a 3rd star.

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  Xianne - Space and time fun , 05/09/2012
Reviewer: John J. Marnien, Jr.
XIANNE is an enjoyable, easy read. Not satisfied with simply another space adventure, the author develops an array of interesting, if somewhat exotic characters. The plot demonstrates the possible results of a society which has fallen prey to unbridled pornography. Naturally, the author has to present adequate character interaction to cover his subject. However, he manages to do this with considerably lighthearted humor and without subjecting the reader to excessive or overly explicit sexual situations. As the storyline progresses, like good, classic fiction, the characters in many ways become the story. Mr. Greyson provides a scenario in which we can observe his cast of personalities as they interact and their various and diverse relationships evolve. Too funny to be merely described as humorous, many of the scenes will have the reader actually laughing out loud. While reminiscent of other writers, the author brings his own flavor to the craft. (No pun intended.) This is just Volume One of a four-part novel, so we'll have to anxiously await the next episode of XIANNE.

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  hot & sexy , 05/15/2012
Reviewer: Barbara H
Ok I'm gona say what everyone hasn't this writer needs to get laid! You can tell by reading the book. I loved it! Everyone who was in the book had something we could all connect with. I mostly read political books & some history. This changed that b/c I was hooked at the end of the book I was like oh crap now I have to wait to read the next book. This guy knows to much maybe a female in a former life? I gave this book. A 5 only cuz that's as high as it lets you rate .... hurry up with the 2 nd book plz

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  science fiction , 05/26/2012
Reviewer: tnizzle777
(posted on on May 10, 2012) it was real good but not the best... But still good book to read.. Nonstop action from the beginning to the end...

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  A Must Read!!! , 06/10/2012
Reviewer: Cat Lady
(posted on on 5-10-12) Started out boring but I'm glad I kept reading. The book was very intresting made me go out and buy a Catwoman suit, a very enjoyable read, I suggest this book to every couple that has been married for at least ten years read it with your can be sooooooh great!!! Seriously if you just need to get away climb aboard " Xianne" relax and enjoy the ride.

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  Masterpiece! , 08/06/2012
Reviewer: Cynthia Shepp
Xianne: A Comedy of Cultures: Volume 1 I have to say that this is one of my favorite books. Not only is it funny, and hot as a firecracker, but it has an underlying message that I hope everyone gets. It is a satire and it deals with societies problems in a humorous way. Jayce Grayson really did it for me with this book! Welcome aboard the Xianne, a famous spaceship, and journey with the characters through an adventure that will have your blood pressure rising (in a good way!) and your brain churning, as you go from a space station in the orbit of the earth, all the way to Mars, in the 24th century. Earth has been “burdened beneath heavy-handed laws, injustice, and fear; yet liberated by abundant power-thanks to Helium-3 Fusion Reactors-and the Porn Culture’s near-eradication of the sexual taboo,” (straight from the back cover). Along the way you will meet four people that hope to board the Xianne, which is owned by the mysterious and extremely rich Tom Duncan. The main character, Jim, is a young man who hopes to find passage and work on the Xianne. He applies for the job by filling out a strange questionnaire, where he meets the other three people that eventually join him aboard the ship. They are Sax, Suki, and Keira. These three people could not be any more different than Jim if they tried. In the questionnaire room, they look over Jim’s shoulder while he is filling in his answers and began a conversation about the ask/tell question, which asks your sexual orientation. They realize that Jim is NAY, which means that he is not sexually attracted to anyone. Yes, I know, how weird is that?? That sparks off a friendship between one nay and three highly-charged sexually active people. Once aboard the ship they meet Tom Duncan, Dr. Sharon Miles, and Moses Jones, who are the only three people aboard the ship besides a crotchety old artificially intelligent computer. This begins a trip like you have never taken before, unless of course you have been on a swinging cruise or something similar lol. Jim’s adventure takes him on a ship where sex is enjoyed and shared by everyone publically, besides him and Moses. Jim has to learn how to handle, and deal with, all the sexually charged tension, while fitting in and becoming a part of the group. He stays true to himself, even though he is given many opportunities to join the “party” so to speak, as well as a very close relationship with Dr. Miles. I could go on and on about this book, but I do not want to post any spoilers so I have to stop. The bad thing about this is I do not know how to explain it to its full potential. Yes, this book is a panty-drenching, hilarious ride that will have you gasping for more when you hit the last page, but it is also a look into humanity and what our culture is coming to. This is a world where almost nothing is taboo and even marriage is not sacred, but then again, people are free and liberated to do what they like. Regardless, you will have to make up your own mind about this book and I urge you to give it a chance. Xianne is super-entertaining, perfectly edited, and a laugh-out-loud, make you think Masterpiece! I give this book 5 stars and I cannot wait to read Volume 2! Quotes from the book: “I think that beautiful people are beautiful-even if they’re naked. Sometimes, especially if they are naked.” It’s a Porn world-a Porn Solar System, now-No attractive woman alive expects to find all of her panties the next time she looks.” “Sexual orientation is just a matter of our preference.”

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  A glimpse into the future? , 09/02/2012
Reviewer: Michael
(posted on on March 17, 2012) The author is quite artful in describing how things may and probably will be in the future. The skillful descriptions of all things space wise, the manner in which the vessels flew and moved, the G force variances; all were very understandable and made me able to picture myself being there, the purpose of reading, after all. The encounters among the crew were, as one reviewer said, subtly funny. I found myself smiling a lot. What I really liked was every character having a story and never getting left behind, a common mistake many other writers make after building them up in the first two or three chapters. The author gives us a chance to continue to like each character, somewhat of a change of pace. I only give the book 4 stars because I wanted to know what happens next. It's like a continuation of one of my favorite TV shows, "to be continued next week". Screw that, I want to know now! But overall a really good read and this comes from an actor and author who has never heard of Robert Henlein, although I have drunk his beer.

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  Nothing is sacred anymore. , 03/21/2017
Reviewer: Cherise C
Xianne: A Comedy of Cultures: Volume One takes place in the distant... but not so distant future. At first when I started reading I was taken aback by the general attitude of, well, everyone. I was extremely curious as to where the author was going and it turns out that he was pointing out the fact that our society is definitely holding less and less sacred. Jayce Grayson makes several references to Jane Austin. If anyone is familiar with Jane Austin's writing they know that the world that Jane is from is vastly different from our present time and certainly our future. It shows how our society is holding less and less sacred. But at the same time, other things become more and more sacred. Privacy is in limbo now and it seems that Jayce hits the nail on the head with how precious privacy will become. In this setting privacy is an anomaly, unheard of, why wouldn't you want to everyone to know?? It hits on very controversial topics from our time and really makes you wonder where the world is headed. The characters are love em or hate em, but they all have an essential role to play in my eyes. They are easy going and easy to please (LITERALLY!) with no signs of animosity even in the face of diversity. (That is my favorite thing about it) It makes references to our "don't ask/ don't tell" society in their everything goes world. I'm curious to see where the story is headed and what is in store for my favorite "nay" character!

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