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Matthew Dobbs Esquire

John M. Brewer (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6569-8 ©2011
Price: $17.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 330 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Historical

After being orphaned at 4 and swindled out of his inheritance, Matthew struggles through the challenges of school and the horrors of WWI to seek the woman of his dreams.

Matthew Dobbs is orphaned at age 4 and grows up in Norfolk, England, over 1899-1912. A highly intelligent, claustrophobic outsider, he enrolls at the University of London after meeting the elder daughter of a Baronet. They become engaged but World War I breaks out and she marries someone else. He graduates and enters the Army, does well as an infantry officer and captures a valise full of loot while on a mission. After the war, he meets the younger daughter, a nurse, marries her and with her help becomes headmaster of a public school.

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