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The Ghost in the Mirror

Paula J. Chretien (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6594-9 ©2011
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 142 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Fantasy / Historical

An unexpected twist in Jennifer’s time-travel puts many at risk. Surviving in ante-bellum South Carolina will require courage, strength and determination. Can she endure the journey?

The ghost in the mirror transports more than Jennifer back to the past, and breaking the rules puts everyone in danger. While Jennifer must cope with being a slave, she also has to find a way to get this unexpected hitchhiker back to the present time. The Council, knowing that Jennifer needs help, sends a dynamic duo who must use their knowledge of the past to save the unintended time-traveler. Danger and heartache lurk around every bend in this journey. Ride the Underground Railroad with Jennifer, as she travels from Charleston, South Carolina back to New Bedford, Massachusetts.

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