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Qur'an - Hardcover

Kohen Ben Gadol (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6649-X ©2011
Price: $36.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 0 pages

Kohen Ben Gadol. Bohemian Religionist, Talmudist, Halachist, Kabbalist, Scholar. One of the most prolific writers of our or any other time.

Kohen Ben Gadol. Bohemian Religionist, Talmudist, Halachist, Kabbalist, Scholar. One of the most prolific writers of our or any other time. His Writings have been compared to the teachings and writings of the Apostle Paul in that he looks where others do not look and he sees that which others do not see. For the first time the general public has the rare opportunity of becoming personally familiar with his thinking and his ketuvim (“Writings”).

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Customer Reviews

  Qur'an Hardcopy , 08/17/2011
Reviewer: Rubin Sheparo
I love my soft copy, However, the hard copy is much better. What else does he have in hard copy?? This is a must have book!!

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  Qur'an - Hardcover , 10/27/2011
Reviewer: Ephraim Shepard
I am looking for his next book, I definately recommend this and all of his books!!! At first I thought it was a school text book. The quality is extremely high for a book of this price. I would of expected to pay over 100 dollars. Outstanding book

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