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Toy Castles and Knights: A Guide to Toy Castles From Around the World

Joseph W. Svec, III (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-7323-2 ©2012
Price: $26.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 110 pages
Category/Subject: ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES / Toys

Relive the magic of your childhood Toy Castles & Toy Knights or discover them anew in this full-color photo-guide to over 101 Toy Castles & hundreds of Toy Knights from around the world.

Take an enchanting journey into your childhood and the world of Toy Castles and Toy Knights! Over one hundred toy castles dating from the 1950’s to 2011, from ten different countries, along with hundreds of toy knights, Crusaders, Vikings, and fantasy figures (not to mention Dragons) are photographed in full color and described in detail in this engaging guide book filled with beautifully detailed toy castle dioramas.

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Customer Reviews

  Informative Guide and History Book , 10/08/2015
Reviewer: Lee Pixy
Informative Guide and History Book. I didn't know there were so many lovely castles from all over the world. Great book on my coffee table. Easy conversation starter and reference book. I would highly recommend to all my friends and family! Good for schools as well.

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  If I were a Teenage , 12/15/2016
Reviewer: Makendra
If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I'd say "Kgobaunwa, dude!"

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