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Testing in the Fire Service Industry: A Handbook for Developing Balanced and Defensible Assessments

Daniel A. Biddle (Author)
Stacy Bell-Pichard, MS. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-7349-6 ©2012
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 112 pages
Category/Subject: LAW / General

Featured Topics - Up-to-date information on EEO testing in the fire service industry - Identification of testing issues that will likely trigger a lawsuit - Steps on validating tests using content and criterion-related validity - Results from a national study which reveal the key competencies that should be measured to identify successful firefighter candidates - Appropriate uses of test results - Detailed description of validating a physical ability for candidates and incumbents - Checklists to use for evaluating the validity of pre-employment and promotional selection of assessments

Featured Topics

- Up-to-date information on EEO testing in the fire service industry

- Identification of testing issues that will likely trigger a lawsuit

- Steps on validating tests using content and criterion-related validity

- Results from a national study which reveal the key competencies that should be measured to identify successful firefighter candidates

- Appropriate uses of test results

- Detailed description of validating a physical ability for candidates and incumbents

- Checklists to use for evaluating the validity of pre-employment and promotional selection of assessments

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