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The PGS Story

D.Y. Weiss (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-7436-0 ©2012
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 41 pages
Category/Subject: GARDENING / Techniques

This book will introduce you to the Personal Gardening System that is simple yet sophisticated enough to grow your favorite plants year round automatically with little maintenance or technical know-how.

David’s discovery of hydroponics by sheer chance of an unsolicited letter is the start of this story that may change the way you garden.
Many years lots of money and effort has been invested to bring the simplest solution and a user friendly system for the gardener. No more back breaking garden tools and bags of soil additives, tilling and pesticide problems.
David’s book will inspire you to discover a new world of more pleasant experience in gardening.
Taking out the guess work involved in gardening and automating the process of gardening with the Personal Gardening System that is easy to setup maintain and operate.

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