A Brown Paper Bag and A Fine Tooth Comb
Book Size:
5.5'' x 8.5''
, 286 pages
FICTION / General
Claire isn’t comforted in knowing that although she can’t pass for White, she can pass the “brown paper bag test.” Doesn’t that make her people as prejudiced as the Whites?
A coming of age story about a young Creole of color who, by age seventeen, is left without a family either by abandonment or death. She’s taken in by an elderly White woman whom she’s befriended and confided in over a period of years when she makes drugstore deliveries to the woman’s home. Sera Menard helps to give Claire the most important thing she wants in life: a college education. When Sera dies, she leaves Claire an envelope containing several family heirlooms and a note. Claire discovers why Sera had been mysterious and kept her past hidden.
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