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Intuition and Dreams: How to Realize Your Healing Potential in All Areas of Life

David F. Sowerby, Ph.D. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-7936-2 ©2012
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 175 pages
Category/Subject: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Healing / General

In this memoir about healing, the author follows the guidance of his own intuition and dreams, showing you how to realize your healing potential in all areas of life.

Dr. David F. Sowerby received 83 intuitive, extraordinary, channeled dreams that directed him how and what to write in this book. In this memoir of his journey of healing, the author shares his personal experiences of intuitive guidance, received from various sources during visits to metaphysical dimensions and realms. Dr. Sowerby also draws on the works of spiritual teachers and scientists, providing you with a model of how to access your own Divinity, intuitive guidance, and creativity; work with dreams; experience higher states of consciousness and empowerment; and realize your own healing potential in all areas of life.

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Customer Reviews

  Useful, account too personal and yet not enough , 02/20/2013
Reviewer: Christine
In this Freshman attempt at making sense of his own dreams, Dr. Sowerby shows us readers, quite by accident, the single critical mistake a person can make when attempting to decipher their own dreams. This mistake is that we fall just short of reaching outside of our own personal limitations. In his case, limited perspective is displayed by investigation of his own dreams as an affluent white male living in a particular location in a particular continent, during this dispensation. In addition to having those close to him review his work rather than someone who has a different vantage point. The writer fails to include a level of investigation that reaches outside of his own self imposed confines. I cite the text relating to Poe and the Pupils. Both sections which neglect comparison of the writers personal life to theirs, rather than just their works. You see the writer is not unable or incapable, like others, he must chose now to either further extend his reach , work with people that are outside of his own comfort zone- in order to reach the true enlightenment that he says he wants to have. The conflict is not time or money for the writer. He has established that he can make time and make money. The conflict is doing well or better when we are no longer in our comfort zones which both our Dreams and Darwin encourage us to do in order to evolve. Comfort zone in Sowerby’s case then may simply be removed by reading topics about a writer that are less related to “works” and more related to “personal life”. In any case, this book is a recommended primer for starting a journey, but for seasoned people like myself I was not able to learn anything new from it. He is a good writer but either purposely does not share juicy details or is completely unaware that those are what readers are looking for in addition to “how to”.

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  An Extraordinary Journey , 02/24/2013
Reviewer: Charles L.
This book was a wonderful catalyst for starting the journey into dream-work. His story was powerful and I was able to use his techniques to help further my own inner work. I appreciated how it was written in a clear and concise manner, easy for anyone without a degree in psychology to understand. Moreover, his personal story helped to make the concepts relatable and clear. I look forward to reading more work from the author.

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  Healing during a time of transition , 02/24/2013
Reviewer: Jessica
This book crossed my path at a point in my life where I was experiencing great transition: the end of a relationship, start of a career, and finding a new place to live. Reading Sowerby's journey of understanding his own dreams enlightened me and encouraged me to dive into the meaning of my own with the hope of finding guidance in my awake life. The depth in which the author describes the meaning and symbolism behind his own dreams prompted new meanings and intrepretions I would have never discovered without such guidance. This new knowledge assisted my own healing in such tumultuous times and provided new perspectives and goals for where my life would head next.

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  Thank you so much! , 02/24/2013
Reviewer: Catherine
After attending one of Dr. Sowerby's courses on intuition, I couldn't wait until he wrote a book! I made sure to get a copy as soon as I could, and I must say that the combination of personal experience and scholarly references created a great flow for the book! I loved reading it and think many people will be able to relate to the experiences he shares. I am confident others interested in this topic will enjoy! Something really interesting is that the amount of dreams I was having actually increased in frequency and in details while I was reading the book! Enjoy! :)

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  Best Guide Available , 02/25/2013
Reviewer: Jill
Exploring the complex and symbolic world of dream work is an exciting and eye-opening journey to embark upon. Dr. David Sowerby’s book is an exemplary guide for anyone interested taking steps down this path, including both the first-timer and the seasoned dreamer. Dr. Sowerby introduces the reader to the importance and worth of working with dream symbols and intuitive experiences by diving into his own past and showing the reader the best practices he has discovered in working with his own intuition. As a young woman, I found his shared experiences as well as his instruction on different methods for working with dream material to be clear, relatable, obviously well-informed, and very easy to implement. After reading through his personal dreams as well as the following dream work, I felt much better equipped to understand the somewhat illusive language of my own dreams. I really enjoyed Dr. Sowerby's writing style, as well as the accessibility of the content and felt rewarded by the the personal process of reading this book. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in working with their dreams and intuitive experiences; there is, in my opinion, no better guide available.

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  dreams as guide , 02/28/2013
Reviewer: Lily L
This is one of those rare books that speaks to the heart, mind and spirit. At one level it is an engaging story of a man who pays careful attention to his dreams and follows their guidance. More importantly, it is an invitation to readers to access the wisdom of their own dreams. Through modeling and practical instructions, the author demonstrates how to invite, understand and follow the guidance of these nightly bearers of healing, intuition and creativity. Dr. Sowerby seems equally at home in the spiritual world and the world of science. He includes relevant research - written in a very clear and concise way - that gives his work weight and validity. At the same time, his book was confirming for me, as it put into clear language the feeling of ‘another dimension’ that I have sensed in many of my own dreams. Intuition and Dreams is an important reminder of the reliable presence of this often-neglected source of wisdom that is available to all of us. The author’s story of working with his dreams and faithfully following their guidance for decades is unique and inspiring. It demonstrates the kind of cooperative relationship a person can develop with his/her dreams over time and the profound benefits that collaboration can bring in many areas of life.

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  Learning to listen to intuition... , 03/23/2013
Reviewer: White-Dove
Having recently read Dr. David Sowerby's book on Intuition and Dreams, my heart is full of awe and reverence. In this book Dr. Sowerby carefully led me through the steps of initiation and understanding into the world of intuition, dreams and healing. His clear writing style and obvious affinity for his topics, made my inner journey of "learning" all the more beneficial. It has been deeply soothing to be reminded that "good things happen when we follow our intuition... life unfolds with minimal struggle and effort." (Sowerby, 2012) While reading the book I felt joy, unity, harmony, wisdom and balance flow freely as my awareness grew. Dr. Sowerby's elegant invitation to learn to listen to my intuition brought with it access to the deepest, most profound truths connecting me to the wholeness of the universe. And for that, I give sincere thanks. This book is well worth reading!

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  The gift of insight , 10/30/2014
Reviewer: Jeanne
The author discusses how intuition speaks to us everyday through our dreams, senses and a knowingness. It can be a way to unlock our innate intuitive wisdom and bring more joy into our lives, heighten the potential for healing of the soul and body, and enriching relationships. The author clearly demonstartes a mastery of the subject of intuition, dreams, psyche and psychology, culture and mythology, symbols and spirit, creativity and potential. This books shows that serendipity and synchronicity are constantly working in our lives, producing wonderful coincidences that solve problems or bring answers we are looking for. The author excels at making resplendent spiritual concepts accessible and comprehensible as he shares wisdom that he has fostered from many years of teaching, research, as well as personal exploration of his own intiution, dreams and spirituality. I highly recommend this book for those like myself who are well along the path of explaoration, but need humbling at how much more their is to explore, and also to those who have just made their first step towards enlightenment. This book will inspire you to follow your passions and connect with your own ability to awaken to your inner light of guiding wisdom and truth. As well as your ability to transcend towards your unlimited potential using intuition as your guide, as it is always within and all around us. This book is written with clarity, compassion and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life and that we all hold the potential to use dreams and our intuition to come into alignment with our own healing powers. One of the best gifts we can give ourselves (and others) is the ability to connect with our intuition and the ability to connect with our souls wisdom and the timeless consciousness held within our dreams. Thank you Dr. sowerby for this gift of insight

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  Live to your fullest potential , 12/11/2014
Reviewer: Nicole
This book is a comprehensive masterpiece. Dr. Sowerby guides the reader to understand intuition, dreams, and healing, and offers insight on living life to the fullest, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. The author has extensively studied intuition, dreams, healing, spiritual development, enlightenment, transpersonal psychology, and altered states of consciousness. Through dream-work and while writing, he channeled the topic and material for this work. This book has taught me that I can access my dreams and higher self offering me wisdom in regard to questions: which institution I should study at, what cities will support my life vision, and what relationships assist my spiritual growth. After reading the book I now ask myself questions before sleep, and my dreams frequently offer me an answer. Sowerby’s book helped me get in contact with my higher self, and helped me harness my intuition in all areas of life. My intuition guides me in my waking life as result. I highly recommend this book for any reader who is looking to deepen one’s self-awareness and develop intuition, who longs for a stronger connection with the Divine, and who seeks a healthy, holistic life.

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  Great and Enlightening Read , 01/03/2015
Reviewer: Marissa
I have always been interested in my dreams and what they may symbolize but was unsure how to better understand them. Dr. David Sowerby’s book on intuition and dreams really inspired me to take my dreams more seriously and really pay attention to what my intuition is telling me. This book is beautifully written in a way that is easily accessible to anyone interested in their own healing potential. I appreciated the courage that Dr. Sowerby illustrated in going into such detail with his personal and intimate dreams. The ability that Dr. Sowerby possesses of breaking down the meaning of dreams based on intuition is an invaluable skill that I strive to possess. This book left me feeling motivated to be more aware of my dream and really listen to my inner wisdom and intuition in order to live a healthier life. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning how to enhance his or her life on a transpersonal and everlasting level.

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