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Heirlooms: Stories of a French-Canadian Family - The Petrimoulxs

Rosemary E. Kirt (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-8055-7 ©2012
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 176 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / General

Rosemary journeyed through pages of documents and contracts to write the Petrimoulx story. The road she travelled led her through Sandwich, Ontario, down the St. Lawrence to Québec City, and across the Atlantic to Fontenay-le-Comte, France. Along the way she met nine generations of Petrimoulxs. Each had a story to tell. By writing these Petrimoulx stories, Rosemary came to understand more about her French-Canadian Heritage. She traced her lineage back to 17th century France and discovered that, like many other French-Canadians, she was related to Hillary Rodham Clinton, the explorer Louis Joliet and Louis Hébert, the founding father of Québec.

Rosemary journeyed through pages of documents and contracts to write the Petrimoulx story. The road she travelled led her through Sandwich, Ontario, down the St. Lawrence to Québec City, and across the Atlantic to Fontenay-le-Comte, France. Along the way she met nine generations of Petrimoulxs. Each had a story to tell. By writing these Petrimoulx stories, Rosemary came to understand more about her French-Canadian Heritage. She traced her lineage back to 17th century France and discovered that, like many other French-Canadians, she was related to Hillary Rodham Clinton, the explorer Louis Joliet and Louis Hébert, the founding father of Québec.

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