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When East Weds West or Yin Merges with Yang

Luther C. Chien (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-8178-2 ©2013
Price: $50.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 310 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / General

While grandfather lay on his deathbed, father was seduced by his father’s young concubine, who was eager to assure her family hierarchy position by producing a son. Unfortunately, she gave birth to a daughter instead.

“When East Weds West” is about the adopted son of an American mother and her Chinese husband. While his mother raised him in the Western culture, his father followed Chinese lifestyle by sheltering an additional wife, who was his late grandfather’s young concubine. The clash of two different cultures and the impact of a father with two racially different wives exacted a heavy toll on the whole household. The author covers the life and times of his grandfather, a direct descendant of kings. He describes how his parents met and married, and how they lived in Beijing in the 1930s, and how as a young son he left China, and eventually sank his roots in America.

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