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I. Schiffman & Company

Paul A. Hays (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-8478-1 ©2013
Price: $17.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 192 pages
Category/Subject: HISTORY / General

The I. Schiffman Company that ran a family bank, farm ownership and rentals, auto dealership, cattle husbandry, and urban real estate business for over 100 years with only one or two active managers is a model of entrepreneurship.

The development, flourishing, and gradual diminishment of a family business in Huntsville, Alabama over more than one hundred years are viewed through many windows, but with incomplete coverage and random penetration. It reflects the growth of Huntsville and Madison County, Alabama from cotton to high technology knowledge work, yet they separate as modernity overcomes a lack of male heirs to eventually reduce the business to near zero. But it also highlights the diversity of businesses that can be managed by dedicated entrepreneurs who also provided economic leadership to the community.

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