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Personnel Testing in the Public Safety Industry: A Handbook for Developing and Validating Balanced and Defensible Assessments

Daniel A. Biddle (Author)
Stacy Bell-Pichard, MS. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-9686-0 ©2013
Price: $24.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 158 pages
Category/Subject: LAW / General

This book reviews the practical steps that police and fire departments can take for developing and validating written, interview, and physical ability tests in ways that are both "balanced" and defensible in Title VII litigation situations. Rather than writing from a theoretical position, this book includes practical, step-by-step plans that everyday HR practitioners can follow.”

This book reviews the practical steps that police and fire departments can take for developing and validating written, interview, and physical ability tests in ways that are both "balanced" and defensible in Title VII litigation situations. Rather than writing from a theoretical position, this book includes practical, step-by-step plans that everyday HR practitioners can follow.”

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