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The Homeless Prime Minister/African Absurdities

Hama Tuma (Author)

ISBN: 1-4958-0170-5 ©2014
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 226 pages
Category/Subject: SOCIAL SCIENCE / General

In this fifth book of the African Absurdities series Hama Tuma lets his pen rage against the bad cards that Africa has been dealt with by foreign powers and by its own mostly unelected rulers.

In this fifth book of the African Absurdities series Hama Tuma lets his pen rage against the bad cards that Africa has been dealt with by foreign powers and by its own mostly unelected rulers. The title article, The Homeless Prime Minister, deals with the tragicomedy exemplified by the bad governance and crude ethnic politics in Ethiopia. Real politick and double standards come under fire too as does the adoption racket that has targeted Ethiopian and African children. As the previous Absurdities books, this one also packs a lot of punch in its satire and commentaries spanning many situations and many countries.

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