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The Warden of Aneurin- hardcover

Jessi Houtz (Author)

ISBN: 1-4958-0243-4 ©2014
Price: $38.95
Book Size: 6" x 9" , 318 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Fantasy / General

Darren Hull is too quiet to be a leader, too humble to be a hero, and too scared to be a savior. When his helicopter crashes in Aneurin, though, the city’s mysterious inhabitants expect him to be all these things—and more. Aneurin is a city for souls, the final stage in the human life Cycle. Darren’s ancient connection with the city’s founder drags him unwittingly into a power struggle for control of life on Earth. To survive, Darren must discover who he is, who he once was, and find the faith he didn’t know he was searching for.

Darren Hull is too quiet to be a leader, too humble to be a hero, and too scared to be a savior. When his helicopter crashes in Aneurin, though, the city’s mysterious inhabitants expect him to be all these things—and more. Aneurin is a city for souls, the final stage in the human life Cycle. Darren’s ancient connection with the city’s founder drags him unwittingly into a power struggle for control of life on Earth. To survive, Darren must discover who he is, who he once was, and find the faith he didn’t know he was searching for.

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