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Contemporary Chess in America: How Chess Has Gotten Younger, Faster and Digitally Driven

Alan Rodenstein (Author)

ISBN: 9781495807466 ©2015
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 6" x 9" , 174 pages
Category/Subject: GAMES / Chess

Contemporary Chess in America describes the tremendous changes in American chess during the last 40 years as it has become younger, faster, more diverse and digitally driven.

Contemporary American chess is stronger and healthier according to Alan Rodenstein. Largely a review of contemporary chess with comparisons to the early 1970’s Fischer era and interspersed with the author’s personal experiences, Contemporary Chess in America describes the journey of American contrasting from the 1970’s to today.
While examining many changes, Rodenstein focuses on three: the increased youth in chess, the greater speed of chess and the changes as a result of the digital revolution. Contemporary Chess in America will provide the reader with a new perspective on American chess and, as with all chessplayers, fodder for vigorous discussion.

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