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The Memoirs of Merrill F. Raber

Merrill and Boots Raber (Author)

ISBN: 9781495808098 ©2015
Price: $19.95
Book Size: 6" x 9" , 402 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / General

In reflecting on my life, I feel I have been basically “lucky” thus far. I was born into a loving and caring family.

In reflecting on my life, I feel I have been basically “lucky” thus far. I was born into a loving and caring family. That loving and caring continues with my wife, children and grandchildren. My education and lifelong learning opportunities have been rewarding. I have had stimulating experiences in many different areas. I cherish my friends who have been a constant support through joys and sorrows. Our health is reasonably good for our age (beginning 80’s). We have lost important family members and friends through death and it has not been easy to lose those we have cared about so deeply. We are also facing the inevitability of our own demise in the not so distant future. In any case, I like the message of the statement attributed to Bill McKenna and which also appeared in a Nissan ad about living a full life.

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