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In Other Words... -- ...Poetic Justice

S.F. Reynolds (Author)

ISBN: 9781495810695 ©2016
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 128 pages
Category/Subject: POETRY / General

A compilation of words and emotions of the heart, mind and soul, surfaced feelings brought to fruition, untold tales reaching a peak, a sharing of utmost expressions that fulfills ones heart.

A compilation of words and emotions of the heart, mind and soul,
surfaced feelings brought to fruition, untold tales reaching a peak,
a sharing of utmost expressions that fulfills ones heart. It is an
understanding of love between two people that cannot be found in
a dictionary, taught in a classroom or passed down from one
generation to the next. It must and is developed with the passion
felt for another, the discovery of a world filled with that sharing
and the life it creates between them.

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