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Word Evangelism

G.L. Hale (Author)

ISBN: 9781495812118 ©2016
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 94 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / Christianity / Anglicanism

Challenging, thought provoking, thorough and convicting. It's one of those writings that you're either glad you read, or wish you hadn't!- Pastor Rev Samuel Butler

Today, most people are familiar with the title, Chief Executive Officer (CEO). It is the highest, most powerful position in a company.
The CEO is personally responsible to the Chairman of the Board for the company’s performance. In a similar way, the church is like a huge parent company, comprising many, many, inter-related subordinate companies.
Let us consider our Lord as the Chairman of the Board of the parent company, He then creates countless companies under His direct authority. These subordinate companies are like the individual lives of believers. Therefore, each believer is the CEO of his or her life and is directly responsible to the Lord.
But instead of being a Chief Executive Officer, the believer is chosen to be the sole Chief Evangelism Officer (CEO) of his or her life!

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