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The Last Titan

David Randall (Author)

ISBN: 9781495812453 ©2017
Price: $36.95
Book Size: 6" x 9" , 0 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

In the mythical land of Chithus, led by a ring of skilled magicians and ruled by an evil Dragon-lord, ancient Greece becomes threatened by an old ally, the Last Titan.

In the mythical land of Chithus, led by a ring of skilled magicians and ruled by an evil Dragon-lord, ancient Greece becomes threatened by an old ally, the Last Titan. In effort to master the Orb and conquer the world, immortal warriors are created, unleashing the powers of the earth by the Olympian gods. Inspired by love and defined by war, a journey of chance and adventure is quested out by a chosen hero and a gifted wizard aside his amazing unicorn. In a desperate struggle to restore order, the fate of all are challenged by chaos.

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