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The Manual for Initiation of the Chakras and Aura

Walter Wolf (Author)

ISBN: 9781495812705 ©2016
Price: $21.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 152 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

I found a method how to develop the aura; what kind of meditation exercises encourage development of aura and how they should be exercised

After four years of research and experimentation in development of my own aura, I have come to a series of data and findings in relation to the process related to initiation and process related to development of aura. Thanks to that, I found a method how to develop the aura; what kind of meditation exercises encourage development of aura and how they should be exercised. I also described how a developed aura looks like; how it spreads in space and how chakras change their form and function at different stages in the development of aura.

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