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By Blood Reborn

Russell Christe (Author)

ISBN: 9781495813313 ©2017
Price: $19.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 298 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

Perhaps immortals exist amongst us, unrecognized for what they are. Feeding on humans who are ignorant of the unexplained, would they ever know or even believe?

By Blood Reborn is the story of 500 year old vampire, a creature who was once a young warrior seduced to join the existence of the undead. Reborn to eternal life, he at first revels in the powers of his altered form and the promise of unending love with his beautiful companion. He soon realizes that survival is always uncertain, and he is forced to battle other vampires and the very humans he preys upon, and is entombed and nearly destroyed numerous times through the coming centuries.

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