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Lucas Winter
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Burns, Oregon

Lucas Winter was born in Klamath Falls, Oregon in 1982. The last few months that he was in Klamath Falls he lived with a friend in the lower-class sections of town. When Lucas was 16 years old he left town to escape the pressures of living in a one-bedroom, crowed apartment, and ultimately, to get away from the girls who seemed to do nothing but cause drama everywhere they went.

Lucas now lives in Burns, Oregon. He has attained his BA in Political Science, Economics, and Philosophy and is an avid woodworker.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Experimental Somehow
Lucky is the exact image of the most disgruntled teen anyone has ever thought of Experimental Somehow is his story. read more
by Lucas Winter ~ 0-7414-1305-1 ©2002
Price: $13.95

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