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R. A. Pelletier
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Swansea, Massachusetts

He was born in Fall River, Massachusetts in 1943, and after dating his childhood sweetheart for many years, married in 1968, and had two children. During the 33 years he worked for the government he attended various colleges including the University of Massachusetts, and graduated in 1983 with a Bachelors degree in Science/Math. After retiring and always being fascinated with science fiction the love of his first grandchild helped to encourage him to write Tank Farm#6. He is now looking forward to writing more books about his family, and having Carly as the heroine.

Selected works by this author:
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Tank Farm #6
Tank Farm #6 is about kidnapping, danger, rescue, love of mankind, and the bringing down of a corrupt CIA division that’s trying to control the country – against all odds – all by a young girl and her family. read more
by R. A. Pelletier ~ 0-7414-1205-5 ©2002
Price: $14.95

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