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Gavin Kent McClung
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Winchester, Virginia

Gavin Kent McClung became involved with astrology in the Sixties and has been writing about it for publication since the Seventies (Horoscope, American Astrology, Astrology+Insight and others). His academic background is world history and the European intellectual tradition, including the rich creative contribution of astrologers of an earlier age who worked intensively in more than one field of knowledge. The Hyperion symbol for the Ascendant is seen as “Colts galloping around a paddock” and its keyword is Energy.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Hyperion Symbols
This unique exposition presents a new set of 360 degree symbols for the astrological zodiac. In an unusual approach to the subject, close attention is paid to previous sets of symbols. Astrological and philosophical insights are conveyed with authority through innovative forms of interpretation for images that have strong individual vitality. These images "speak for themselves" through content based upon their immediacy and their primarily visual foundations. The introduction includes an article originally published in Dell Horoscope magazine, which adds a special dimension to the book and allows direct comparison of the Hyperion symbols with other symbolic degrees. read more
by Gavin Kent McClung ~ 0-7414-7262-7 ©2012
Price: $20.95

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