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Bishop Ronald L. Young
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Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Bishop Ronald L. Young is the son of an Apostolic Pentecostal preacher, the husband of Rose Marie for forty-two years and a lifelong Christian. He and his wife have facilitated marriage retreats throughout the United States and abroad. He has a B.A. in organic chemistry and doctoral degrees in Divinity and Theology. He has worked as a medicinal research chemist, pharmaceutical sales representative for Eli Lilly and Co. and as an insurance agent for Connecticut Mutual. After serving as Municipal Court Administrator for the City of Tulsa, OK, he was appointed Commissioner of Finance and Revenue and then elected twice to that position. He is an ordained minister in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. He serves as diocesan of the Second Episcopal District comprising the State of Pennsylvania, Parliamentarian, Chairman of the Research and Development Committee, and member of the Executive Bishops’ Council.

He has pastored churches in Indiana, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. He presently is senior pastor of Pentecostal Bridegroom Temple of Philadelphia, PA where he has served for eighteen years.

Selected works by this author:
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Divorce & Remarriage / "Light from the Word"
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by Bishop Ronald L. Young ~ 0-7414-1518-6 ©2003
Price: $10.95

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