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William Stephens
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Tallahasee, Florida

William Stephens got his doctorate from Harvard and wrote eight books reporting his cross-cultural studies. He did fieldwork in Spain and in the Caribbean. He also visited England and finally married Edna Ward, head of a school which was the subject of his book, Gentle World of Childhood. The two of them also did a field study of an English village, “Clevelode,” reported in Civility in an English Village. He is now studying the British attempt to do citizenship-training in high school.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Morality & Citizenship: England Compared with Underdeveloped Countries
This is a new theory of national development which scans the nations of the world, and relates nations’ success to their citizens’ punctuality and reliability, devotion to the public welfare (instead of devotion to their family’s welfare), and abiding by rules and laws. read more
by William Stephens ~ 0-7414-1419-8 ©2003
Price: $10.95

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