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Carolyn Starry
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New York City, New York

Carolyn Starry is a graduate of the Protocol School of Washington.®Ms. Starry teaches men and women how to outclass the competition through Etiquette Express Seminars as well as one-on-one consultations. For the last twenty years she has appeared before large and small groups of professional men and women and the general public, in person, on television, radio shows and in national newspapers in the U.S. and abroad. Her early background, in Music Education and performance, allows her to make presentations with a theatrical flair. Ms. Starry makes her home in New York City with her husband, Doug Turner, and four famous Pomeranians. For further information, go to Ms. Starry’s web site at

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Surviving the Business Lunch: 25 Tips in 25 Minutes
In a hurry? Need manners in minutes? Surviving the Business Lunch: 25 Tips in 25 Minutes written by Carolyn Starry, graduate of the Protocol School of Washington® is a must read for anyone climbing the corporate ladder. read more
by Carolyn Starry ~ 0-7414-1672-7 ©2003
Price: $11.95

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