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Dr. Clement DeWall
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Englewood, California

Clement DeWall is a graduate of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy and received a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado. He has lectured in the US and Canada, and his books include Escaping the Mental Straightjacket, and Saving Remarriage from Guilt-and-Punishment Theology. He is married with two adult children and two grandchildren, and has retired from careers in ministry and data processing.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Forgive 70 X 7: Our Forgotten Power
Jesus’ radical teachings on forgiveness have been lost in a maze of dogmas and theological distinctions. This book digs through conventional beliefs to uncover early Christian truth. read more
by Dr. Clement DeWall ~ 0-7414-2050-3 ©2004
Price: $9.95

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