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Jennifer Semple Siegel
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York, Pennsylvania

Jennifer Semple Siegel teaches creative writing and literature at York College of Pennsylvania. Her fiction and non-fiction, including scholarly articles, have been published in various national and regional journals, magazines, and anthologies. From 1993-1996, she edited Onion River Review, a literary journal.

She earned her M.F.A. in fiction from Goddard College (Plainfield, Vermont).

Semple Siegel has lived in Macedonia (a former republic of Yugoslavia) and Belgium.

She currently lives in York, Pennsylvania, with her husband Jerry.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Are you EVER Going to be Thin? (and other stories)
Samantha Anne Mallory’s family reunion + voices from her past, present, and future = her 40-something journey through time, backward and forward, her burden of weight–literally and metaphorically. read more
by Jennifer Semple Siegel ~ 0-7414-2092-9 ©2004
Price: $15.95

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