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Linda Schultz
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Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts

Linda Schultz lives just outside Boston, Mass. She is currently a research administrator at a university and does free-lance writing as a hobby. Her articles about the Beatles have appeared in Good Day Sunshine and the British monthly publication, The Beatles Book. She’s been a Beatles fan since day one and is proud of the fact that she raised her two children to be avid Beatles fans. Getting the chance to meet Paul McCartney in person at his June 2001 book signing in New York City is the single most thrilling thing that has ever happened to her…so far, anyway.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Tales of the Awesome Foursome: Beatles Fans Share Personal Stories and Memories of the Fab Four
Take a trip down Penny Lane and memory lane! In this unique and exceptional collection, Beatles fans of all ages share their own true stories, anecdotes, poems and memories. read more
by Linda Schultz ~ 0-7414-2079-1 ©2004
Price: $15.95

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