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Juliette Moon
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Chicago, Illinois

Juliette Moon was born in Chicago and grew up writing and drawing as her interests. She was an artist for her high school journal. She studied at Chicago State University receiving a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a Masters degree in Guidance and Counseling. Later she relocated to Atlanta, Georgia and married. Lekisia Joi was born two years later. Julie’s experiences include anthologies, school publications and special projects. She has been happily teaching for 17 years. At present, Ms. Moon lives in Chicago with her daughter, teaching and is enrolled in the Ed.D. Program-Curriculum and Instruction at Argosy University, Chicago.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Affectionate Moon
Tenderness, excitement and mysticism penetrate throughout the reflections introduced by the author Juliette Moon. She transforms experiences and reverie into imaginative verse. A “must see” for the reading enthusiast. read more
by Juliette Moon ~ 0-7414-2011-2 ©2004
Price: $13.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
Teacher Reflections: An Educator's Pen Pal
An educator absorbs knowledge from multiple resources and imparts it in ways that ensure the success of every learner, including his/her own. This is a reflection educational development. read more
by Juliette Moon ~ 0-7414-7013-6 ©164
Price: $19.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

3 .
Teacher Reflections: An Educator's Pen Pal - Color version
An educator absorbs knowledge from multiple resources and imparts it in ways that ensure the success of every learner, including his/her own. This is a reflection educational development. read more
by Juliette Moon ~ 0-7414-7014-4 ©2012
Price: $37.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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